Tufts Song Book


Tufts Song Book 1906, page 66

From The Tufts Song Book, 1906

  • Tufts Song-Book, edition of 1906. A publication of the Ivy Society.
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 Cover Matter
Table of Contents
Hymn to College Hill, 1889
Brown and Blue, 1889
Campus Song
Alma Mater, Hail!
My Bonnie
Keep Your Eye On Tufts
For Tufts Hurrah!
Pax et Lux
Jingle Bells and Soldier's Farewell
There were Three Cows
Lauriger Horatius and There's Music in the Air
The Tufts Girl, 1906, and The Tufts Man, 1906
We Meet Again To-night
The Bull-dog
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Wake, Freshmen, Wake
Dear Alma Mater
Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep
The Sword Of Bunker Hill
Menagerie and Stars of the Summer Night
The Lone Fish-ball
My Old Kentucky Home, Good-Night
Romeo and Juliet, 1903
My Last Cigar
The Sunday-school Scholar
She's All Right, 1903
Die Lorelei and Auld Lang Syne
Annie Laurie
Old Folks At Home and Thuringian Folksong
The Quilting Party
Home, Sweet Home
Charlie Tufts His College
Just as Little Tommy Said and The Two Roses
Dixie Land
 The Watch On The Rhine
We Love if For Aye, 1887 - Rev. 1902
Massa's In De Cold, Cold Ground
Dear Evelina, Sweet Evelina and Aura Lee
Foot Ball Song, 1901
The Voice of Learning, 1903
The Dutch Company
Michael Roy and Three Little Kittens
Hark! I Hear a Voice and Peter Gray
Meerschaum Pipe
Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes
Noah's Ark
Nonsense Rhymes, 1898
We're Going to Skip College
Yes, there is Rest, 1906
Aren't You Glad You're a Tufts Man
My Moustache
Nelly was a Lady
Glory for the Brown and Blue, 1903
The Marseillaise and Bohunkus
Landlord, Fill the Flowing Bowl
Where, O Where
I've Been Thinking, 1902
Gaudeamus and Amici
Upidee and Fondly Thine Own
Over the Banister and Good-night, Ladies!
Kathleen Mavourneen and Vive L'Amour
Graduation Song
Farewell to Alma Mater, 1905
The Mermaid and Farewell Song
Integer Vitae
Mother Goose Revised
Maid of Athens
Around the Rez, 1905
The Jumbo Cantepic
A Tufts Mosaic, 1889
College Hill
Apostrophe to Tufts, 1894
Mary's Lamb, 1888
Sleighing Song,1893
The College Bell
Dum-Di-Dum, 1894
The Versatile Baby
Serenade, 1892
Songs of College Hill, 1891
The Barnum Song, 1885
Boating Song, 1889
Charlie's Light, 1892
When Hearts are Young, 1894
Swedish Folksong, 1892
The Jim-Jam King of the Jou-Jous: An Arabian Ledgend, 1894
Dreaming of Thee, 1895
Mouth and Man
The Circus, 1889
Slumber Song, 1891
The Dago Man; A True History of the Discovery of America, 1892
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