Walter B. Wriston '41

Smith, Nancy


Wriston on Wriston: On leaving Citicorp


If you're in a big institution, a system is developed that drives your life. You attend a board meeting, you go to Singapore or London or Chicago on cue, and your ability to maneuver on your own is limited.

Suddenly that structure disappears and what had driven your life all those years evaporates. A different system takes over: different pressures, different work. You're back looking up quotations in the library yourself, and fighting airports, and that sort of thing. Which is no big deal, it's just different.

But I happen to be at peace with myself and the world because the team that took over from the old team is better than we were. It's better prepared, better educated and has a good base on which to build. It's going to be fun, I believe, to watch the terrific job they're doing, and I like to think I may have had a hand in helping to train them.

  • This document was created from the article, "Walter B. Wriston '41," written by Nancy Smith for the Fall 1985 edition of the "Wesleyan: The Wesleyan University Alumnus." The original article is located in MS134.003.025.00007.
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