Whatever Happened To Walter Wriston? When Walter Wriston was at the helm of Citicorp, the markets and the world paid attention to his every word. Maybe they still should.

King, William B.


Whatever Happened To Walter Wriston? When Walter Wriston was at the helm of Citicorp, the markets and the world paid attention to his every word. Maybe they still should.
William B. King, chairman of
Bank Director
King, William B. "Whatever Happened To Walter Wriston? When Walter Wriston was at the helm of Citicorp, the markets and the world paid attention to his every word. Maybe they still should."
Bank Director
3, no. 2 (Second Quarter 1993): 32-38.
  • This document was created from the article, "Whatever Happened To Walter Wriston? When Walter Wriston was at the helm of Citicorp, the markets and the world paid attention to his every word. Maybe they still should." by William B. King for the 1993 edition of the "Bank Director." The original article is located in MS134.003.026.00001.
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