1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,790 The largest oil spill in US history the 2 00:00:03,240 --> 00:00:08,160 tanker Exxon Valdez. And now we turn to 3 00:00:05,790 --> 00:00:09,780 that oil rig that sank after it exploded 4 00:00:08,160 --> 00:00:11,820 in the Gulf of Mexico. We're following 5 00:00:09,780 --> 00:00:13,889 this evening that oil spill stretching 6 00:00:11,820 --> 00:00:16,820 for miles along a picturesque Southern 7 00:00:13,889 --> 00:00:16,820 California coastline. 8 00:00:22,130 --> 00:00:27,610 The US Department of Commerce estimates 9 00:00:23,990 --> 00:00:30,380 that as many as over 105 thousand birds 10 00:00:27,610 --> 00:00:32,269 167,000 sea turtles and 51 percent of 11 00:00:30,380 --> 00:00:34,519 the area's dolphin population died due 12 00:00:32,270 --> 00:00:36,080 to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill but 13 00:00:34,520 --> 00:00:38,360 the effects of an oil spill don't stop 14 00:00:36,080 --> 00:00:39,769 with just one generation. Studies have 15 00:00:38,360 --> 00:00:42,379 shown that the toxins in petroleum 16 00:00:39,770 --> 00:00:45,290 impact an ecosystem for decades. In fact 17 00:00:42,379 --> 00:00:47,089 in 2008 organisms such as crabs, mussels 18 00:00:45,290 --> 00:00:49,100 and marsh grass in Wild Harbor 19 00:00:47,090 --> 00:00:50,900 Massachusetts were still found to have 20 00:00:49,100 --> 00:00:53,180 lower biomass and slower growth rates 21 00:00:50,900 --> 00:00:56,540 from an oil spill that happened in 1969 22 00:00:53,180 --> 00:00:58,300 almost 40 years prior. The main toxins in 23 00:00:56,540 --> 00:01:02,750 petroleum are polycyclic aromatic 24 00:00:58,300 --> 00:01:04,640 hydrocarbons known as PAHs. PAHs are not 25 00:01:02,750 --> 00:01:06,530 only carcinogenic but also have been 26 00:01:04,640 --> 00:01:08,690 shown to affect the DNA and development 27 00:01:06,530 --> 00:01:10,100 of embryos causing organisms to be born 28 00:01:08,690 --> 00:01:12,800 with cranial, spinal, and heart 29 00:01:10,100 --> 00:01:14,899 abnormalities. PAHs do not easily 30 00:01:12,800 --> 00:01:16,640 dissolve into water. The toxins can 31 00:01:14,900 --> 00:01:18,260 travel long distances to the bottoms of 32 00:01:16,640 --> 00:01:20,659 rivers and lakes as they stick to solid 33 00:01:18,260 --> 00:01:23,750 particles allowing PAHs to contaminate 34 00:01:20,659 --> 00:01:26,390 soil. Because PAHs can bio accumulate in 35 00:01:23,750 --> 00:01:27,740 plant tissue the PAH content of plants 36 00:01:26,390 --> 00:01:30,100 can be many times higher than the 37 00:01:27,740 --> 00:01:32,149 content of PAHs in the soil or water 38 00:01:30,100 --> 00:01:33,919 Furthermore the impact of an oil spill 39 00:01:32,149 --> 00:01:36,740 spreads thousands of miles beyond the 40 00:01:33,920 --> 00:01:38,289 disaster. Pelicans migrate over 1,000 41 00:01:36,740 --> 00:01:41,030 miles to Minnesota during the winter and 42 00:01:38,289 --> 00:01:42,560 PAHs were found in about 80% of the eggs 43 00:01:41,030 --> 00:01:45,170 laid there due to the Deepwater Horizon 44 00:01:42,560 --> 00:01:46,789 spill. The spill also caused enough 45 00:01:45,170 --> 00:01:48,740 bleaching and tissue loss in deep water 46 00:01:46,789 --> 00:01:50,899 coral reefs to cover an area three times 47 00:01:48,740 --> 00:01:53,210 larger than Manhattan. People living in 48 00:01:50,899 --> 00:01:54,950 communities contaminated by PAHs can be 49 00:01:53,210 --> 00:01:57,530 exposed through contact with polluted 50 00:01:54,950 --> 00:01:59,329 air, water, and soil. The 50,000 people 51 00:01:57,530 --> 00:02:01,009 involved in spill cleanup suffered from 52 00:01:59,329 --> 00:02:04,339 severely damaged lung tissue and 53 00:02:01,009 --> 00:02:05,990 irritated skin. Furthermore the economic 54 00:02:04,340 --> 00:02:07,369 fallout surrounding an oil spill is 55 00:02:05,990 --> 00:02:09,679 massive to say the least 56 00:02:07,369 --> 00:02:11,780 Like many other fishermen in the area 57 00:02:09,679 --> 00:02:13,400 Luis Mccain Spees family business fell 58 00:02:11,780 --> 00:02:15,019 apart due to the loss of fish in the 59 00:02:13,400 --> 00:02:17,750 Louisiana coast after the Deepwater 60 00:02:15,019 --> 00:02:20,180 Horizon oil spill. His own sons, also 61 00:02:17,750 --> 00:02:22,190 fishermen, are now unemployed. He 62 00:02:20,180 --> 00:02:24,890 estimates that he has 300,000 dollars 63 00:02:22,190 --> 00:02:27,260 invested in his company. You know in two 64 00:02:24,890 --> 00:02:30,170 years I could I could recap some of this 65 00:02:27,260 --> 00:02:32,569 money but it is all gets on air I mean 66 00:02:30,170 --> 00:02:35,958 everything we got invested is we just 67 00:02:32,569 --> 00:02:37,280 gonna go down. While many different 68 00:02:35,959 --> 00:02:39,440 methods have been used to clean up oil 69 00:02:37,280 --> 00:02:41,120 spills none of them can fully reverse 70 00:02:39,440 --> 00:02:43,700 the environmental effects of the spill 71 00:02:41,120 --> 00:02:45,829 For example chemical dispersants are 72 00:02:43,700 --> 00:02:47,780 often used to target large oil slicks in 73 00:02:45,829 --> 00:02:50,090 order to break them up into smaller less 74 00:02:47,780 --> 00:02:51,739 impactful oil sites. This method is 75 00:02:50,090 --> 00:02:53,239 effective in preventing coastline oil 76 00:02:51,739 --> 00:02:55,340 buildup and proceeding effects on 77 00:02:53,239 --> 00:02:57,200 wildlife but often results in the bio 78 00:02:55,340 --> 00:02:59,209 accumulation of other just as harmful 79 00:02:57,200 --> 00:03:00,890 chemicals in the water. Skimmers and 80 00:02:59,209 --> 00:03:02,540 booms have also been used in place of 81 00:03:00,890 --> 00:03:04,548 dispersants to try to contain the oil 82 00:03:02,540 --> 00:03:06,170 and prevent it from spreading but they 83 00:03:04,549 --> 00:03:07,940 do not actually remove the oil from the 84 00:03:06,170 --> 00:03:10,819 water therefore only providing a 85 00:03:07,940 --> 00:03:12,560 temporary fix. In situ burning is also 86 00:03:10,819 --> 00:03:14,660 used to remove the oil from the surface 87 00:03:12,560 --> 00:03:17,180 of the water but this method causes air 88 00:03:14,660 --> 00:03:18,920 pollution from the resulting smoke. The 89 00:03:17,180 --> 00:03:20,269 only way to truly combat the effects of 90 00:03:18,920 --> 00:03:22,608 an oil spill is to prevent them from 91 00:03:20,269 --> 00:03:25,160 happening in the first place. After the 92 00:03:22,609 --> 00:03:27,230 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill that rocked 93 00:03:25,160 --> 00:03:30,109 the Alaskan coast the Oil Spill 94 00:03:27,230 --> 00:03:31,940 Prevention Act of 1990 was passed. This 95 00:03:30,109 --> 00:03:34,430 law created the Cook Inlet Regional 96 00:03:31,940 --> 00:03:35,480 Citizens Advisory Council, a third party 97 00:03:34,430 --> 00:03:37,400 between government and industry 98 00:03:35,480 --> 00:03:39,078 representatives to keep both groups 99 00:03:37,400 --> 00:03:40,669 accountable as the government failed to 100 00:03:39,079 --> 00:03:43,130 keep industry members liable for the 101 00:03:40,669 --> 00:03:44,959 impact of oil spills. The Oil Spill 102 00:03:43,130 --> 00:03:46,790 Prevention Act also makes the owner of 103 00:03:44,959 --> 00:03:48,470 the vessel economically liable for the 104 00:03:46,790 --> 00:03:50,870 spill if the oil was being transported 105 00:03:48,470 --> 00:03:52,669 in a single-hull ship. This type of 106 00:03:50,870 --> 00:03:54,620 transportation is cheaper, though at 107 00:03:52,669 --> 00:03:56,329 higher risk for a spill. Though the Oil 108 00:03:54,620 --> 00:03:57,889 Spill Prevention Act increases the 109 00:03:56,329 --> 00:04:00,349 incentive for companies to use safe 110 00:03:57,889 --> 00:04:02,359 methods it is not perfect. A new bill was 111 00:04:00,349 --> 00:04:04,910 introduced to Congress on January 9th 112 00:04:02,359 --> 00:04:05,690 2017 called the Marine Oil Spill 113 00:04:04,910 --> 00:04:07,970 Prevention Act 114 00:04:05,690 --> 00:04:09,799 It improves the Oil Spill Prevention Act 115 00:04:07,970 --> 00:04:11,870 by creating a Gulf Coast Regional 116 00:04:09,799 --> 00:04:13,220 Citizens Council that gives a voice to 117 00:04:11,870 --> 00:04:15,980 those living in the coastal communities 118 00:04:13,220 --> 00:04:18,079 around the Gulf Coast. This new law would 119 00:04:15,980 --> 00:04:20,149 also make any owner of oil responsible 120 00:04:18,079 --> 00:04:21,799 for their spills regardless of what type 121 00:04:20,149 --> 00:04:24,198 vessel the oil is being transported in 122 00:04:21,798 --> 00:04:25,969 If this law is passed the occurrence of 123 00:04:24,199 --> 00:04:28,040 oil spills would be greatly reduced 124 00:04:25,970 --> 00:04:29,240 it would also hold those responsible for 125 00:04:28,040 --> 00:04:31,430 the spill accountable for their actions 126 00:04:29,240 --> 00:04:32,570 and would encourage a community that 127 00:04:31,430 --> 00:04:34,940 works together for the greater 128 00:04:32,570 --> 00:04:36,530 environmental good. If we can keep oil 129 00:04:34,940 --> 00:04:38,570 drilling and transportation practices 130 00:04:36,530 --> 00:04:39,489 safe the use of oil would be much more 131 00:04:38,570 --> 00:04:42,639 sustainable 132 00:04:39,490 --> 00:04:42,639 [Music] 133 00:04:48,330 --> 00:04:56,789 [Music] 134 00:04:54,729 --> 00:04:56,789 135 00:04:57,130 --> 00:05:01,589 [Music]