Ultrasensitive single-genome sequencing: accurate, targeted, next generation sequencing of HIV-1 RNA.

Boltz, Valerie F.

Rausch, Jason.

Shao, Wei.

Hattori, Junko.

Luke, Brian.

Maldarelli, Frank.

Mellors, John W.

Kearney, Mary F.

Coffin, John M.


  • Background: Although next generation sequencing (NGS) offers the potential for studying virus populations in unprecedented depth, PCR error, amplification bias and recombination during library construction have limited its use to population sequencing and measurements of unlinked allele frequencies. Here we report a method, termed ... read more
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  • Boltz, Valerie, Jason Rausch, Wei Shao, Junko Hattori, Brian Luke, Frank Maldarelli, John W. Mellors, Mary F. Kearney, and John M. Coffin. "Ultrasensitive single-genome sequencing: accurate, targeted, next generation sequencing of HIV-1 RNA." Retrovirology 13, no. 1 (12, 2016): 1-17.
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