Desiccation tolerance and lifting behavior in Crepidula fornicata (Gastropoda).

Pechenik, Jan A.

Diederich, Casey M.

Bashevkin, Samuel M.

Chaparro, Oscar R.


  • Desiccation stress is a major limiting factor for many organisms in the intertidal zone. Sessile mollusks often reduce water loss by isolating themselves from the external environment upon aerial exposure, which can result in other stressful conditions within their sealed mantle cavity. Interestingly, some intertidal animals willfully expose their tissues to the air when emersed ('gaping,' ... read more
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  • Diederich CM, Bashevkin SM, Chaparro OR, Pechenik JA (2015) Desiccation tolerance and lifting behavior in Crepidula fornicata (Gastropoda). Mar Ecol Prog Ser 528:235-243.
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