if you draw a _____ it could be the ground: School of the Museum of Fine Arts 2022 Senior Thesis Exhibition

Baroni, Julia

Bibas, Eva

Craig, Ira

Felice, Laura

Grover, Brigitte

Horne, Ezri

Horvath, Muriel

Milliken, Parker

Petmeza, Magda

Pobriarzyn, Monika

Ramirez, Karina

Richmond, Miranda

Skelly, Priya

Talwar, Siddhant


  • If you draw a _____ it could be the ground has grown from both introspective and outward-looking relationships between artists and their processes of making. One of the most striking aspects of this thesis cohort is the range of inspiration for all the exhibited projects. If we imagine a line, extending from inside ourselves toward the world: outside our body and into our home, our neighborhood, ... read more
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