Ten commandments for the future of ageing research in the UK: a vision for action.

Franco, Oscar H.

Kirkwood, Thomas BL.

Powell, Jonathan R.

Catt, Michael.

Goodwin, James.

Ordovas, Jose M.

van der Ouderaa, Frans.


  • Abstract: Increases in longevity resulting from improvements in health care and living conditions together with a decrease in fertility rates have contributed to a shift towards an aged population profile. For the first time the UK has more people over age 60 than below 16 years of age. The increase in longevity has not been accompanied ... read more
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  • Franco, Oscar, Thomas BL Kirkwood, Jonathan R. Powell, Michael Catt, James Goodwin, Jose M. Ordovas, and Frans van der Ouderaa. "Ten commandments for the future of ageing research in the UK: a vision for action." BMC Geriatrics 7, no. 1 (12, 2007): 1-7.
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