Economic instruments for obesity prevention: results of a scoping review and modified delphi survey.

Faulkner, Guy EJ.

Grootendorst, Paul.

Nguyen, Van Hai.

Andreyeva, Tatiana.

Arbour-Nicitopoulos, Kelly.

Auld, M Christopher.

Cash, Sean B.

Cawley, John.

Donnelly, Peter.

Drewnowski, Adam.

Dubé, Laurette.

Ferrence, Roberta.

Janssen, Ian.

LaFrance, Jeffrey.

Lakdawalla, Darius.

Mendelsen, Rena.

Powell, Lisa M.

Traill, W Bruce.

Windmeijer, Frank.


  • Background: Comprehensive, multi-level approaches are required to address obesity. One important target for intervention is the economic domain. The purpose of this study was to synthesize existing evidence regarding the impact of economic policies targeting obesity and its causal behaviours (diet, physical activity), and to make specific ... read more
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  • Faulkner, Guy, Paul Grootendorst, Van Hai Nguyen, Tatiana Andreyeva, Kelly Arbour-Nicitopoulos, M. Christopher Auld, Sean B. Cash, John Cawley, Peter Donnelly, Adam Drewnowski, Laurette Dubé, Roberta Ferrence, Ian Janssen, Jeffrey LaFrance, Darius Lakdawalla, Rena Mendelsen, Lisa M. Powell, W. Bruce Traill, and Frank Windmeijer. "Economic instruments for obesity prevention: results of a scoping review and modified delphi survey." International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 8, no. 1 (12, 2011): 1-14.
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