The fibroblast Tiam1-osteopontin pathway modulates breast cancer invasion and metastasis.

Xu, Kun.

Tian, Xuejun.

Oh, Sun Y.

Movassaghi, Mohammad.

Naber, Stephen P.

Kuperwasser, Charlotte.

Buchsbaum, Rachel J.


  • Background: The tumor microenvironment has complex effects in cancer pathophysiology that are not fully understood. Most cancer therapies are directed against malignant cells specifically, leaving pro-malignant signals from the microenvironment unaddressed. Defining specific mechanisms by which the tumor microenvironment contributes to ... read more
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  • Xu, Kun, Xuejun Tian, Sun Y. Oh, Mohammad Movassaghi, Stephen P. Naber, Charlotte Kuperwasser, and Rachel J. Buchsbaum. "The fibroblast Tiam1-osteopontin pathway modulates breast cancer invasion and metastasis." Breast Cancer Research 18, no. 1 (12, 2016): 1-15.
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