Contamination of human DNA samples with mouse DNA can lead to false detection of XMRV-like sequences.

Oakes, Brendan.

Tai, Albert K.

Cingöz, Oya.

Henefield, Madeleine H.

Levine, Susan.

Coffin, John M.

Huber, Brigitte T.


  • Background: In 2006, a novel gammaretrovirus, XMRV (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus), was discovered in some prostate tumors. A more recent study indicated that this infectious retrovirus can be detected in 67% of patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), but only very few healthy controls (4%). However, several ... read more
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  • Oakes, Brendan, Albert K. Tai, Oya Cingöz, Madeleine H. Henefield, Susan Levine, John M. Coffin, and Brigitte T. Huber. "Contamination of human DNA samples with mouse DNA can lead to false detection of XMRV-like sequences." Retrovirology 7, no. 1 (12, 2010): 1-10.
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