Female Goldeneye Ducks (Bucephala clangula) Do Not Discriminate among Male Precopulatory Display Patterns

Dane, Benjamin

Harris, Rebecca

Reed, J. Michael


  • Female goldeneyes remain motionless on the surface of the water while single males circle them performing a series of highly stereotyped displays. After performing between eight and 90 of these displays the male either copulates or attempts to copulate with the female. However, females allow only 58% of males to mount them, while rejecting 42%. We have examined 804 of these precopulatory ... read more
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  • Dane, Benjamin, Rebecca Harris, and J. Michael Reed. "Female Goldeneye Ducks (Bucephala clangula) Do Not Discriminate among Male Precopulatory Display Patterns." PLoS One 8, no. 3 (March 2013): 1-9.
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