The bubble cursor is a promising cursor expansion technique, improving a user's movement time and accuracy in pointing tasks. We introduce a brain-based target expansion system, which improves the efficacy of bubble cursor by increasing the expansion of high importance targets at the optimal time based on brain measurements correlated to a particular type of multitasking. We demonstrate through ... read morecontrolled experiments that brain-based target expansion can deliver a graded and continuous level of assistance to a user according to their cognitive state, thereby improving task and speed-accuracy metrics, even without explicit visual changes to the system. Such an adaptation is ideal for use in complex systems to steer users toward higher priority goals during times of increased less
Afergan, Daniel, Tomoki Shibata, Samuel W. Hincks, Evan M. Peck, Beste F. Yuksel, Remco Chang, and Robert J.K. Jacob. "Brain-Based Target Expansion." Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology - UIST '14 (2014). doi:10.1145/2642918.2647414.