Using functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in HCI: Toward evaluation methods and adaptive interfaces.

Girouard, Audrey.

Hirshfield, Leanne M.

Solovey, Erin Treacy.

Jacob, Robert J. K.


  • Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a new brain imaging tool that shows potential for use in the field of human computer interaction (HCI) because of its lightweight, non-invasive qualities. fNIRS could become an additional input to interfaces, by recording the user's mental state through the measure of blood flow in the brain. However, before we are able to use the tool at its full ... read more
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  • Girouard, Audrey, Leanne M. Hirshfield, Erin Treacy Solovey, and Robert J.K. Jacob. "Using functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in HCI: Toward evaluation methods and adaptive interfaces." Proc. ACM CHI 2008 Workshop on Brain-Computer Interfaces for HCI and Games (2008).
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