A vision for an expanded role of ornithological societies in conservation.

Reed, J. Michael.

Walters, Jeffrey Ray, 1952-

Brosnan, Deborah M.

Scott, J. Michael.


  • Professional societies of biologists, including ornithological societies, have struggled to determine the appropriate way to apply the expertise of their memberships in conservation, largely because of a tension between issue advocacy and pure science. Within societies, some argue for using science to promote conservation, and others worry that such advocacy will render the science less credible ... read more
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  • Jeffrey R. Walters, Deborah M. Brosnan, J. Michael Reed, and J. Michael Scott (2014) A vision for an expanded role of ornithological societies in conservation. The Condor: May 2014, Vol. 116, No. 2, pp. 278-289. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1650/CONDOR-13-088.1
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