The Rural Opioid Initiative Consortium description: providing evidence to Understand the Fourth Wave of the Opioid Crisis.

Jenkins, Richard A.

Whitney, Bridget M.

Nance, Robin M.

Allen, Todd M.

Cooper, Hannah L.

Feinberg, Judith.

Fredericksen, Rob.

Friedmann, Peter D.

Go, Vivian F.

Jenkins, Wiley D.

Korthuis, P. Todd.

Miller, William C.

Pho, Mai T.

Rudolph, Abby E.

Seal, David W.

Smith, Gordon S.

Stopka, Thomas J.

Westergaard, Ryan P.

Young, April M.

Zule, William A.

Delaney, Joseph A.

Tsui, Judith I.

Crane, Heidi M.


  • Keywords: Opioids, Methamphetamine, Rural, Substance use, Injection drug use, Overdose.

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