Histone deacetylase activity is necessary for leftright patterning during vertebrate development.

Levin, Michael.

Carneiro, Katia.

Donnet, Claudia.

Rejtar, Tomas.

Karger, Barry L., 1939-

Barisone, Gustavo A.

Díaz, Elva.

Kortagere, Sandhya.

Lemire, Joan M.


  • Background: Consistent asymmetry of the left-right (LR) axis is a crucial aspect of vertebrate embryogenesis. Asymmetric gene expression of the TGFβ superfamily member Nodal related 1 (Nr1) in the left lateral mesoderm plate is a highly conserved step regulating the situs of the heart and viscera. In Xenopus, movement of maternal serotonin (5HT) through gap-junctional paths at cleavage stages ... read more
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  • Carneiro et al.: Histone deacetylase activity is necessary for left-right patterning during vertebrate development. BMC Developmental Biology 2011 11:29. doi:10.1186/1471-213X-11-29.
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