Key correlates of exclusive breastfeeding at three timepoints: Evidence from Ethiopia

Kosinski, Karen C.


  • Aim: To compare factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) within 1 hof birth, within 3 days, and within the first 6 months post‐birth. Methods: We used multivariate logistic regression models and data from “The Alive and Thrive Phase 2 Amhara Baseline Survey 2015” from Ethiopia (N = 3113).Results: Giving colostrum was strongly associated with EBF at all three timepoints, controlling ... read more
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  • Yigletu S, Tendulkar SA, Holmes AC, et al. Key correlates of exclusive breastfeeding at three timepoints: evidence from Ethiopia. Reprod Female Child Health. 2022;1‐12. doi:10.1002/rfc2.15