Effect of an equipment-behavior change intervention on handwashing behavior among primary school children in Kenya: the Povu Poa school pilot study.

Wichaidit, Wit.

Steinacher, Rachel.

Okal, Jemima Akinyi.

Whinnery, Jaynie.

Null, Clair.

Kordas, Katarzyna.

Yu, Jihnhee.

Pickering, Amy J.

Ram, Pavani K.


  • Background: Handwashing prevalence in schools in Kenya is low due to lack of access to water and soap and lack of drive for handwashing. Soapy water made from detergent powder is an inexpensive alternative to bar soap and disgust and social norms change can be powerful drivers of handwashing, but their effectiveness has not been assessed in school setting. In Kenyan public schools, we evaluated ... read more
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