Prediction and quantification of bioactive microbiota metabolites in the mouse gut.

Sridharan, Gautham V.

Choi, KyungOh.

Klemashevich, Cory.

Wu, Charmian.

Prabakaran, Darshan.

Pan, Long Bin.

Steinmeyer, Shelby.

Mueller, Carrie.

Yousofshahi, Mona.

Alaniz, Robert C.

Lee, Kyongbum.

Jayaraman, Arul.


  • Metabolites produced by the intestinal microbiota are potentially important physiological modulators. Here we present a metabolomics strategy that models microbiota metabolism as a reaction network and utilizes pathway analysis to facilitate identification and characterization of microbiota metabolites. Of the 2,409 reactions in the model, ~53% do not occur in the host, and thus represent functions ... read more
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  • Sridharan, G. V. et al. Prediction and quantification of bioactive microbiota metabolites in the mouse gut. Nat. Commun. 5:5492 doi: 10.1038/ncomms6492 (2014).
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