Teaching Teachers About Energy: Lessons from an Inquiry-Based Workshop for K-8 Teachers.

Tobin, Roger G.

Crissman, Sally.

Doubler, Sue.

Gallagher, Hugh M.

Goldstein, Gary.

Lacy, Sara.

Rogers, C.B.

Schwartz, Judah.

Wagoner, Paul.


  • We report results and impressions from a three-day inquiry-based workshop for K-8 teachers, aimed at improving their understanding of energy from a science and engineering perspective. Results suggest that the teachers made significant gains in understanding and appreciation of important energy concepts, but their comprehension of some key ideas remained incomplete. The dissipation of energy into ... read more
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  • "Teaching Teachers About Energy: Lessons from an Inquiry-Based Workshop for K-8 Teachers," R.G. Tobin, Sally Crissman, Sue Doubler, Hugh Gallagher, Gary Goldstein, Sara Lacy, C.B. Rogers, JudaDownload pdfh Schwartz, and Paul Wagoner, J. Sci. Educ. Technol. 21, 631 (2012). doi:10.1007/s10956-011-9352-x.
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