Curbing the menace of antimicrobial resistance in developing countries.

Nweneka, Chidi Victor.

Tapha-Sosseh, Ndey.

Sosa, Anibal.


  • Abstract: Several reports suggest that antimicrobial resistance is an increasing global problem; but like most pandemics, the greatest toll is in the less developed countries. The dismally low rate of discovery of antimicrobials compared to the rate of development of antimicrobial resistance places humanity on a very dangerous precipice. ... read more
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  • Nweneka, Chidi, Ndey Tapha-Sosseh, and Anibal Sosa. "Curbing the menace of antimicrobial resistance in developing countries." Harm Reduction Journal 6, no. 1 (12, 2009): 1-4.
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