The Evolution of City Size Distributions.

Ioannides, Yannis Menelaos.

Gabaix, Xavier.


  • We review the accumulated knowledge on city size distributions and determinants of urban growth. This topic is of interest because of a number of key stylized facts, including notably Zipf's law for cities (which states that the number of cities of size greater than S is proportional to 1/S) and the importance of urban primacy. We first review the empirical evidence on the upper tail of city size ... read more
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  • Gabaix, Xavier and Yannis M. Ioannides. "The Evolution of City Size Distributions." In Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics IV: Cities and Geography, edited by J. Vernon Henderson and Jacques-Francois Thisse, 2341-2378. Amsterdam, North Holland Publishing Company, 2004.
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