Towards sustainable infrastructure management: Knowledge-based service-oriented computing framework for visual analytics.

Vatcha, Rashna.

Lee, Seok-Won (Professor of Software Engineering)

Murty, Ajeet.

Tolone, William.

Wang, Xiaoyu.

Dou, Wenwen.

Chang, Remco.

Ribarsky, William.

Liu, Wanqiu.

Chen, Shen-en.

Hauser, Edd.


  • Infrastructure management (and its associated processes) is complex to understand, perform and thus, hard to make efficient and effective informed decisions. The management involves a multi-faceted operation that requires the most robust data fusion, visualization and decision making. In order to protect and build sustainable critical assets, we present our on-going multi-disciplinary large-scale ... read more
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  • Rashna Vatcha, Seok-Won Lee, Ajeet Murty, William Tolone, Xiaoyu Wang, Wenwen Dou, Remco Chang, William Ribarsky, Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen, Edd Hauser, "Towards sustainable infrastructure management: knowledge-based service-oriented computing framework for visual analytics", Proc. SPIE 7346, Visual Analytics for Homeland Defense and Security, 734604 (30 April 2009); doi: 10.1117/12.819159;
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