Scalable and interactive visual analysis of financial wire transactions for fraud detection.

Chang, Remco.

Lee, Alvin.

Ghoniem, Mohammad.

Kosara, Robert.

Ribarsky, William.

Yang, Jing.

Suma, Evan A.

Ziemkiewicz, Caroline.

Kern, Daniel.

Sudjianto, Agus.


  • Large financial institutions such as Bank of America handle hundreds of thousands of wire transactions per day. Although most transactions are legitimate, these institutions have legal and financial obligations to discover those that are suspicious. With the methods of fraudulent activities ever changing, searching on predefined patterns is often insufficient in detecting previously undiscovered ... read more
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  • Chang, Remco, Alvin Lee, Mohammad Ghoniem, Robert Kosara, William Ribarsky, Jing Yang, Evan Suma, Caroline Ziemkiewicz, Daniel Kern, and Agus Sudjianto. "Scalable and Interactive Visual Analysis of Financial Wire Transactions for Fraud Detection." Information Visualization 7, no. 1 (February 21, 2008): 63-76. doi:10.1057/palgrave.ivs.9500172.
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