How Visualization Layout Relates to Locus of Control and Other Personality Factors.

Chang, Remco.

Ziemkiewicz, Caroline.

Ottley, Alvitta.

Crouser, R. Jordan.

Yauilla, Ashley Rye.

Su, Sara L.

Ribarsky, William.


  • Existing research suggests that individual personality differences are correlated with a user's speed and accuracy in solving problems with different types of complex visualization systems. We extend this research by isolating factors in personality traits as well as in the visualizations that could have contributed to the observed correlation. We focus on a personality trait known as "locus of ... read more
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  • Ziemkiewicz, C., A. Ottley, R. J. Crouser, A. R. Yauilla, S. L. Su, W. Ribarsky, and R. Chang. "How Visualization Layout Relates to Locus of Control and Other Personality Factors." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 19, no. 7 (July 2013): 1109-1121. doi:10.1109/tvcg.2012.180.
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