Discovery of substrate cycles in large scale metabolic networks using hierarchical modularity.

Sridharan, Gautham Vivek.

Ullah, Ehsan.

Hassoun, Soha.

Lee, Kyongbum.


  • Background: A substrate cycle is a set of metabolic reactions, arranged in a loop, which does not result in net consumption or production of the metabolites. The cycle operates by transforming a cofactor, e.g. oxidizing a reducing equivalent. Substrate cycles have been found experimentally in many parts of metabolism; however, their ... read more
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  • Sridharan, Gautham, Ehsan Ullah, Soha Hassoun, and Kyongbum Lee. "Discovery of substrate cycles in large scale metabolic networks using hierarchical modularity." BMC Systems Biology 9, no. 1 (12, 2015): 1-11.
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