Grand Challenges in Immersive Analytics.

Ens, Barrett.

Bach, Benjamin.

Cordeil, Maxime.

Engelke, Ulrich.

Serrano, Marcos.

Willett, Wesley.

Prouzeau, Arnaud.

Anthes, Christoph.

B?schel, Wolfgang.

Dunne, Cody.

Dwyer, Tim.

Grubert, Jens.

Haga, Jason H.

Kirshenbaum, Nurit.

Kobayashi, Dylan.

Lin, Tica.

Olaosebikan, Monsurat.

Pointecker, Fabian.

Saffo, David.

Saquib, Nazmus.

Schmalstieg, Dieter.

Szafir, Danielle Albers.

Whitlock, Matt.

Yang, Yalong.


  • Keywords: Immersive analytics, augmented reality, data visualisation, grand research challenges, virtual reality.

    Topic: Human-centered computing / Human computer interaction (HCI)

    Topic: Human-centered computing

    ACM Open.
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  • Barrett Ens, et. al. "Grand Challenges in Immersive Analytics." Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021
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