Watkins ES: The Estrogen Elixir: A History of Hormone Replacement Therapy in America.

Sonnenschein, Carlos.


  • Abstract: The Estrogen Elixir: A History of Hormone Replacement Therapy in America by Elizabeth Siegel Watkins is a thoroughly documented cautionary tale of the information and advice offered to women in the perimenopausal period of their life, and the consequences of exposure to sexual hormones on their health and wellbeing.

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  • Sonnenschein, Carlos, "Watkins ES: The Estrogen Elixir: A History of Hormone Replacement Therapy in America Baltimore, MD, The Johns Hopkins University Press; 2007:368. ISBN-978-0-8018-8602-7." Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 3, no. 1 (12, 2008): 1-3.
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