Cost and Affordability of Nutritious Diets at Retail Prices: Evidence from 744 foods in 159 Countries.

Alemu, Robel.

Bai, Yan.

Block, Steven.

Headey, Derek.

Masters, William.


  • Many policies and programs aim to bring nutritious diets within reach of the poor. This paper uses retail prices and nutrient composition for 744 widely-consumed food and beverage items to compute the daily cost of meeting nutrient requirements for an active and healthy life, for comparison with the subsistence cost of dietary energy, measurement of affordability relative to per-capita earnings, ... read more
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  • Alemu, Robel, Yan Bai, Steven Block, Derek Headey, William Masters. "Cost and Affordability of Nutritious Diets at Retail Prices: Evidence from 744 foods in 159 Countries." Poster presented at the 24th Graduate Research Symposium, Tufts University, March 6, 2020.
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