The Hidden Conflict : An Exploration of Intra-Jewish Tension in Israeli Society Through the Lens of Environmental Peacebuilding
Klein, Rachel E.
- This thesis examines and explores intra-Jewish conflict in Israel through the lens of the Israeli environmental peacebuilding movement. Intra-Jewish conflict, or, more specifically, conflict between religious and secular Jews, is a prevalent problem in Israeli society with implications for social cohesion, government functionality, and even, as this study ultimately argues, the future of the ... read moreIsraeli-Palestinian conflict. In the summer of 2019, the author conducted twenty-two in-person or WebEx ethnographic interviews with members of the Israeli environmental peacebuilding movement. The author found that the overwhelmingly secular, leftist orientation and leadership makeup of the movement poses trouble for religious Jewish environmental peacebuilders by placing their religious identities and beliefs in conflict with the values, ideologies, and, most significantly, methodologies of environmental peacebuilding work. By examining the statements of her interviewees and relevant pre-existing scholarship, the author identifies opportunities for fostering cooperation between religious and secular Jews within environmental peacebuilding as well as places where such cooperation is not yet possible or advisable. It is the author’s hope that this thesis will spark an open and productive dialogue in the Israeli environmental peacebuilding movement around the implications of intra-Jewish conflict on the movement’s public image, efficacy in engaging religiously and ethnically diverse populations, and fulfillment of environmental peacebuilding goals and ideals. Advisor: Professor Heather less
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