Knowledge integrated visual analysis system for in-depth management of bridge safety and maintenance.

Wang, Xiaoyu.

Dou, Wenwen.

Vatcha, Rashna.

Liu, Wanqiu.

Chen, Shen-en.

Lee, Seok-Won (Professor of Software Engineering)

Chang, Remco.

Ribarksy, William.


  • Infrastructure safety affects millions of U.S citizens in many ways. Among all the infrastructures, the bridge plays a significant role in providing substantial economy and public safety. Nearly 600,000 bridges across the U.S are mandated to be inspected every twenty-four months. Although these inspections could generate great amount of rich data for bridge engineers to make critical maintenance ... read more
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  • Xiaoyu Wang, Wenwen Dou, Rashna Vatcha, Wanqiu Liu, Shen-En Chen, Seok-Won Lee, Remco Chang, William Ribarsky, "Knowledge integrated visual analysis system for in-depth management of bridge safety and maintenance", Proc. SPIE 7346, Visual Analytics for Homeland Defense and Security, 734606 (30 April 2009); doi: 10.1117/12.818405;
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