Quantifying household water use and its determinants in low-income water scarce households in Karachi

Khan, Hassaan Furqan


  • Water system investments in megacities in South Asia are driven by a perceived ‘shortage’ of water supply compared to water demand. However, water demand estimates for such cities often do not reflect local socioeconomic and demographic characteristics nor account for seasonal variability. In this study, using a mixed-methods approach, we quantify household water use and its determinants and assess ... read more
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  • Khan, H.F.; Arif, M.A.; Intikhab, S.; Arshad, S.A. Quantifying Household Water Use and Its Determinants in Low-Income, Water-Scarce Households in Karachi. Water 2023, 15, 3400. https:// doi.org/10.3390/w15193400