Valuing nuclear energy risk: Evidence from the impact of the Fukushima crisis on U.S. house prices.

Tanaka, Shinsuke.

Zabel, Jeffrey.


  • Behavioral economics suggests that individuals overweight recent unexpected and/or rare events when updating beliefs. This study investigates the effect of such an event, the Fukushima nuclear crisis in 2011, on the learning process of a local environmental risk by evaluating how perceptions of the risk of a nuclear accident are capitalized into house prices near nuclear power plants (NPPs) in the ... read more
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  • S. Tanaka and J. Zabel, "Valuing nuclear energy risk: Evidence from the impact of the Fukushima crisis on U.S. house prices," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 88, pp. 411-426, Mar. 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jeem.2017.12.005.
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