Molecular characterization of firefly nuptial gifts: a multi-omics approach sheds light on postcopulatory sexual selection.

Al-Wathiqui, Nooria.

Fallon, Timothy R.

South, Adam.

Weng, Jing-Ke.

Lewis, Sara Margery, 1953-


  • Postcopulatory sexual selection is recognized as a key driver of reproductive trait evolution, including the machinery required to produce endogenous nuptial gifts. Despite the importance of such gifts, the molecular composition of the non-gametic components of male ejaculates and their interactions with female reproductive tracts remain poorly understood. During mating, male Photinus fireflies ... read more
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  • Al-Wathiqui, N. et al. Molecular characterization of firefly nuptial gifts: a multi-omics approach sheds light on postcopulatory sexual selection. Sci. Rep. 6, 38556;, doi: 10.1038/srep38556 (2016).
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