Approximate, not Perfect Synchrony Maximizes the Downstream Effectiveness of Excitatory Neuronal Ensembles.

Börgers, Christoph.

Li, Jie.

Kopell, Nancy.


  • Abstract: The most basic functional role commonly ascribed to synchrony in the brain is that of amplifying excitatory neuronal signals. The reasoning is straightforward: When positive charge is injected into a leaky target neuron over a time window of positive duration, some of it will have time to leak back out before an action potential ... read more
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  • Börgers, Christoph, Jie Li, and Nancy Kopell. "Approximate, not Perfect Synchrony Maximizes the Downstream Effectiveness of Excitatory Neuronal Ensembles." The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 4, no. 1 (12, 2014): 1-22.
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