- Marginalia; Memo from Peter Sparber to William Kloepfer with attached Management Plan Progress Report. Addresses in detail topics including: media relations, excise tax increases, the accidental fire issue and the public smoking issue. Details special projects and production services and lists all current projects.
- Dedick, Anne (Primary Responsibility, Production Services)
- Davidson
- Synar, Mike (U.S. Representative, D-OK)
- Robertson, Gray
- Merryman, Walter
- Ross, Jeffrey D. (Primary Responsibility, Excise Tax Issue)
- Hopkins, Larry (U.S. Representative, R-KY)
- Sikorski (U.S. Representative, D-MN)
- Weeks, David
- Redish, Martin (4As)
- Miller (Director, Congressional Budget Office)
- Schaenman, Phil
- McIntyre, Bob
- Myers, Lavon (Information Center)
- Kurland, Phil (MPA)
- Panzer, Fred (Primary Responsibility, Advertising Issue)
- Osborne, Lisa (Primary Responsibility, Accidental Fire Issue)
- Sparber, Peter
- Ward, Scott (Wharton School)
- Chiles (U.S. Senator, D-FL)
- Peterson, Jack (Scientific Consultant)
- Picciano, Laura (Information Center)
- Luken (U.S. Representative, D-OH)
- Burch, P.R.J. (Professor, University of Leeds)
- Lyons, John (Primary Responsibility, Information Center)
- Tollison, Bob (Economic Consultant)
- Rogers, Hal (U.S. Representative, R-KY)
- Schoonmaker, Debbie (Information Center)
- Mitchell (U.S. Senator, D-ME)
- Duffin, Anne (Primary Responsibility, Special Projects)
- Pyke, R. (Professor, University of Washington)
- Bliley, Tom (U.S. Representative, R-VA)
- Floyd (Assemblyman, CA)
- DeConcini, John (President, Bakery, Confectionery and Tobacco Workers International Union)
- Seigenthaler, John (Witness/Publisher & Editor, Nashville Tennessean/Editorial Director, USA Today)
- Stuntz, Susan (TI)
- Donahue, Tom, Jr.
- Kennedy, Ted (U.S. Senator, D-MA)
- Covington, Mary (International Advertising Association)
- Kastenbaum, Marvin A. (Director of Statistics)
- Foley, Chip
- Olkin, Ingram (Professor, Stanford University)
- Stapf, Scott (Primary Responsibility, Media Relations Division)
- Neuborne, Burt (American Nurses Association)
- Hrycaj, Carol (Information Center)
- Boddewyn, J.J. (City University of New York)
- Wiley, Dick (4As)
- Wharton School
- American Statistical Association (ASA)
- Freedom to Advertise Coalition
- American Nurses Association (ANA)
- Justice Department
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- University of Washington
- Newsweek
- Military Coalition
- American Advertising Federation (AAF)
- The Washington Post
- Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)
- Association
- Tri-Data
- Washington Public Fire Educators
- City University of New York (CUNY)
- New York State Public Health Council
- National Tobacco Council
- American Agricultural Movement
- Federal Trade Commission
- National Academy of Sciences
- Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
- American Family Farm Foundation
- American Medical Association (AMA)
- American Association of Affirmative Action
- Printing Industry of Metropolitan Washington
- Citizens for Tax Justice
- Tobacco Institute (TI)
- Coalition on Human Needs
- Republican Study Committee
- Stanford University
- Social Security Bulletin
- 4As
- Coalition on Smoking or Health
- The New Republic
- House Ways and Means Committee
- U.S. Fire Administration
- House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee
- TI
- PB&B
- Young Ideas
- Department of Transportation (DOT)
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- Retail Tobacco Dealers of America (RTDA)
- International Advertising Association
- Senate Finance Committee
- American Cancer Society
- National Energy Management Institute (NEMI)
- Sheet Metal Workers
- Bakery, Confectionery and Tobacco Workers International Union
- Pan Educational Institute
- Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America
- Corporation for Enterprise Development
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
- ID:
- 7s75dq824
- Component ID:
- tufts:UA084.506644037
- To Cite:
- TARC Citation Guide EndNote
- Usage:
- Detailed Rights