Introduction: An Overview of Loon Research and Conservation in North America.

Paruk, James D.

Mager, John N.

Evers, David C., 1962-


  • A workshop titled The Status of Gavia: Conservation in Black and White was held at the 5th North American Ornithological Conference on 14 August 2012, in Vancouver, British Columbia. The last such North American meeting focused on loons was at the American Ornithologist's Union meetings in Minneapolis in 1997. During the interim 15 years, our knowledge of this group of diving birds in North America ... read more
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  • James D. Paruk, John N. Mager, and David C. Evers "Introduction: An Overview of Loon Research and Conservation in North America," Waterbirds 37(sp1), (1 April 2014).
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