Participation, National Identity, Media & Technology in Greece
Kaltsa, Panagiota
- Submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. This work aims to set a framework for governments in crisis to strengthen their identity power and regain the trust of citizens, via participation and new communication technologies. The contribution of this thesis to existing literature is the introduction of electronic ... read moregovernance and citizen participation as a means to restore national identity in a market for loyalties, instead of regulation and control of the information flow. This work also introduces a comprehensive participation classification model and viral participation as a new academic term, which must be further researched. Based on the literature and field research on the development and promotion of participatory initiatives, a detailed participation communication strategy to achieve citizen engagement is suggested. Lastly, the business outline of a participatory initiative to address corruption in Greece is proposed and is subject to further modifications. ey words: national identity, regulation, participation, new communication technologies, traditional and new media, electronic governance, inclusion, control, collaboration, communication, corruption, less
- ID:
- 6395wk07z
- Component ID:
- tufts:UA015.012.081.00013
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- TARC Citation Guide EndNote
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