Dissemination of evidence-based cancer control interventions among Catholic faith-based organizations: results from the CRUZA randomized trial.

Allen, Jennifer D.

Torres, Maria Idalí.

Tom, Laura S.

Leyva, Bryan.

Galeas, Ana V.

Ospino, Hosffman.


  • Background: The CRUZA randomized trial tested the efficacy of an organizational-level intervention to increase the capacity of Catholic faith-based organizations (FBOs) serving Latinos to implement evidence-based strategies (EBS) for cancer control.

    Keywords: Latinos, Hispanics, Faith-based organizations, Catholic, Cancer screening, ... read more
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  • Allen, Jennifer, Maria Idalí Torres, Laura S. Tom, Bryan Leyva, Ana V. Galeas, and Hosffman Ospino. "Dissemination of evidence-based cancer control interventions among Catholic faith-based organizations: results from the CRUZA randomized trial." Implementation Science 11, no. 1 (12, 2015): 1-11.
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