Political disquisitions, or, An enquiry into public errors, defects, and abuses : Illustrated by, and established upon facts and remarks, extracted from a variety of authors, ancient and modern : calculated to draw the timely attention of government and people to a due consideration of the necessity and the means of reforming those errors, defects and abuses, of restoring the Constitution and saving the state.

Burgh, James, 1714-1775.


  • Volume 3 of 3.

    1 online resource (3 volumes)

    V. 1 and 2 were published anonymously; authorship is attributed to James Burgh. Cf. ESTC(RLIN); NUC pre-1956.

    Title page of v. 3 has author statement reading: "By J. B., Gent., author of The dignity of human nature, and other tracts."

    With a half-title reading: Political disquisitions &c.

    Errata: p. [9], 2nd ... read more
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