Stormwater Management in the Aberjona Watershed.

Beresin, Glennon.

Crossley, Laura.

Gareau, Gabrielle.

Jiang, Yudan.

Olson, Kathryn.

Sexton, Anne.

Walker, Jeff.

Wu, Ruiruo.

Zhao, Shuo.


  • 2012 M.A. in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning Field Project and Water: Systems, Science and Society Practicum. Client: Mystic River Watershed Association.
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  • Beresin, Glennon, Laura Crossley,Gabrielle Gareau, Yudan Jiang, Kate Olson, Anne Sexton, Jeff Walker, Ruiruo Wu, Shuo Zhao. "Stormwater Management in the Aberjona Watershed." M.A. Field Project Report and Practicum Report, Tufts University, 2012.
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