A clustering analysis of lipoprotein diameters in the metabolic syndrome.

Frazier-Wood, Alexis C.

Glasser, Stephen.

Garvey, W. Timothy.

Kabagambe, Edmond K.

Borecki, Ingrid B.

Tiwari, Hemant K.

Tsai, Michael Y.

Hopkins, Paul N.

Ordovas, Jose M.

Arnett, Donna K.


  • Background: The presence of smaller low-density lipoproteins (LDL) has been associated with atherosclerosis risk, and the insulin resistance (IR) underlying the metabolic syndrome (MetS). In addition, some research has supported the association of very low-, low- and high-density lipoprotein (VLDL HDL) particle diameters with components ... read more
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  • Frazier-Wood, Alexis, Stephen Glasser, W. Timothy Garvey, Edmond K. Kabagambe, Ingrid B. Borecki, Hemant K. Tiwari, Michael Y. Tsai, Paul N. Hopkins, Jose M. Ordovas, and Donna K. Arnett. "A clustering analysis of lipoprotein diameters in the metabolic syndrome." Lipids in Health and Disease 10, no. 1 (12, 2011): 1-8.
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