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Liquid Crystals (LCs) play an import role in everyday technology, particular for their uses in display devices. They can be viewed as long, rod-like molecules, and can exhibit a number interesting mesophases -- phases which are intermediate between crystalline solid and isotropic liquid. The mesophase that we are interested in is the nematic phase, which is described as having orientational order, ... read morebut no positioning order.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been shown to improve some of the electro-optic properties of liquid crystals, in particular reducing the Freedericksz transition critical voltage. The aim of this research is to better understand the impact of carbon nanotubes on the electrical behavior of liquid crystals using dielectric analysis. This approach measures the response of the liquid crystal polarization to an oscillating electric field.
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the grant requirement of the Tufts Summer Scholars less
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