- List of attendees to a dinner event. Includes representatives from the Tobacco Institute, Bakery, Confectionery and Tobacco (BC&T) Workers International Union, Sheet Metal Workers, Labor Management Committee (LMC), Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ), National Association of Letter Carriers, Savarese and Associates, and Lorillard Tobacco Company.
- Forscey, Mike (Counsel, Labor Management Committee)
- Wilson, Linda
- Bailey, Hazel
- White, Letitia
- Stevens, Lois
- Burski, Robert (U.S. Representative)
- Clay, Carol
- Hampel, Jackie (Savarese and Associates)
- Kaiser, Harry (Coordinator, Midwest Labor Management Committee)
- Gould, Diane
- Donoho, Pat (Tobacco Institute)
- Howle, Dan (Tobacco Institute)
- Woodson, Walter (Tobacco Institute)
- Chilcote, Sam (Tobacco Institute)
- Panvini, Mary
- Szapiro, Miriam
- Stevens, Arnold (Lorillard Tobacco Company)
- Donoho, Candace
- Tallon, Robin (Tobacco Institute)
- Scannell, Ray (Bakery, Confectionery and Tobacco Workers International Union)
- Savarese, Joanne
- Adams, Bill (Tobacco Institute)
- Chilcote, Sheri
- Clay, William "Bill" (U.S. Representative)
- Dawson, Sam (Counsel, Texas Labor Management Committee)
- Meyers, Ed (Citizens for Tax Justice)
- McIntyre, Bob (Citizens for Tax Justice)
- Woodson, Alex
- Wilson, Trish
- White, Dick (Tobacco Institute)
- Gould, George (National Association of Letter Carriers)
- Panvini, Vince (Sheet Metal Workers)
- Burski, Karen
- Savarese, Jim (Executive Director, Labor Management Committee)
- Roffman, Kelleigh (Savarese and Associates)
- Dawson, Leslie (Counsel, Labor Management Committee)
- Wilson, Scott (Tobacco Institute)
- The Tobacco Institute (TI)
- Labor Management Committee (LMC)
- Lorillard Tobacco Company
- Sheet Metal Workers
- TI
- Bakery, Confectionery and Tobacco Workers International Union (BC&T)
- National Association of Letter Carriers
- Citizens for Tax Justice (CTJ)
- Savarese and Associates
- ID:
- 47429n00s
- Component ID:
- tufts:UA084.TCAL0133218
- To Cite:
- TARC Citation Guide EndNote
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