The Compatibility of REACH Regulation with WTO TBT Agreement
Yaygir, Duygu Cecen
- Submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree of Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. This contribution analyses the comprehensive chemicals legislation implemented by the European Union (EU) since 1st June 2007, known as REACH Regulation, from the perspective of WTO Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement. The focus of this study is to investigate ... read morecertain aspects of REACH, which are likely to be subject to WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB). Thus, first of all, the thesis lays down the objectives and main procedures of the REACH with respect to registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction. Second, it examines the ongoing discussions and main concerns of WTO member states regarding REACH under TBT Committee Meetings. Lastly, it asks which of these concerns might be brought to WTO DSB in the future and to what extent they might be defended under TBT Agreement. This preliminary analysis concludes that even though EU seems to be in a strong position due to its high level of aim known as human health and environment protection, the compatibility of some requirements of REACH with TBT Agreement might still be questioned seriously. /read less
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- 3f462j70k
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- tufts:UA015.012.080.00011
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