Utilizing six multi-year Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) between 1990-2017, the Jordan Nutrition Innovation Lab assessed the trends and changes in breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices in Jordan. The objective of the study was to assess these trends and determine factors associated with optimal versus sub-optimal practices of breastfeeding (BF), exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and ... read morecomplementary feeding indicators such as MMF, MDD and MAD, and consumption of breastmilk substitutes, ultra-processed foods such as juices and sugar sweetened beverages versus consumption of micronutrient rich foods and food groups. The analysis included a total of 14,874 infants and young children across all survey years with 11,099 children aged 6-23 months and 3725 infants under 6 months of age and involved a trends analysis and an assessment of factors associated with the different IYCF practices as well as those associated with the consumption of different food groups. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were conducted to assess trends over time and determine differences by survey year, location (governorates, urban/rural population), education level of the mother and the wealth of the household.
Keywords: nutrition, infant and young child feeding practices, maternal nutrition status, pregnant and lactating women, complementary feeding, exclusive breastfeeding, sugar sweetened beverages.
Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy Cooperative Agreement Associate Award No.: 72027820LA00003.read less