Development and testing of the BONES physical activity survey for young children.

Economos, Christina D.

Hennessy, Erin.

Sacheck, Jennifer M.

Shea, M Kyla.

Naumova, Elena N.


  • Background: Weight-bearing and high intensity physical activities are particularly beneficial for stimulating bone growth in children given that bone responds favorably to mechanical load. While it is important to assess the contribution and impact of weight-bearing physical activity on health outcomes, measurement tools that quantify and ... read more
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  • Economos, Christina, Erin Hennessy, Jennifer M. Sacheck, M. Kyla Shea, and Elena N. Naumova. "Development and testing of the BONES physical activity survey for young children." BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 11, no. 1 (12, 2010): 1-9.
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