Sexual assault resistance education for university women: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (SARE trial).

Senn, Charlene Y.

Eliasziw, Misha.

Barata, Paula C.

Thurston, Wilfreda E.

Newby-Clark, Ian R.

Radtke, H Lorraine.

Hobden, Karen L.


  • Background: More than one in six women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetimes, most by men they know. The situation on university campuses is even more startling, with as many as 1 in 4 female students being victims of rape or attempted rape. The associated physical and mental health effects are extensive and the social and economic ... read more
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  • Senn, Charlene, Misha Eliasziw, Paula C. Barata, Wilfreda E. Thurston, Ian R. Newby-Clark, H. Lorraine Radtke, and Karen L. Hobden. "Sexual assault resistance education for university women: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (SARE trial)." BMC Women's Health 13, no. 1 (12, 2013): 1-13.
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