This I Believe
Nottingham, Karl D.
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And now, This I Believe, the living philosophies of thoughtful men and women, presented in the hope they may strengthen your beliefs so that your life may be richer, fuller, happier. Here is Edward R. Murrow.
This I Believe. Karl D. Nottingham was born over sixty years ago on a farm in Delaware County, Indiana. He left there to attend the Purdue University School of Agriculture but, upon his graduation, returned to the farm and has worked it ever since. Karl Nottingham’s devotion to the soil on which he was born has not distracted him from the problems of his community and his nation. He has served in the Indiana legislature and his local draft board, and has held positions of leadership in the Red Cross,
the Farm Bureau and the PTA. Here is Karl Nottingham’s creed.
I was born and raised on a farm. As a child I spent much time with my father as he went around over the farm looking after the welfare of his livestock. Death claimed him while I was still quite young, but he must have pointed out to me many of the important rules of life. I did not realize at the time, but in later years I have found myself remembering things he told me and have found their value in daily living. Perhaps that is one reason I have always found peace of mind by walking in the woods and fields when I have perplexing problems.
I have lived through the years without the realization that perhaps we all unconsciously have standards
by which we conduct our daily lives. When I recently took inventory to see if I had standards by which I lived, I was surprised to find the number of rules I have unconsciously found myself referring to in making decisions that control my life. Most of us learn right from wrong in early life. If I then obey my conscience the remainder of my life I will not go too far wrong.
There is a debt we all owe society that must be paid. We either adjust ourselves to society or society will make the adjustment for us. A wise person learns to make that adjustment early in life. I had to reach a rather mature adult life before I realized I owe life as much as I get out of it. Any education required, I believe, places upon the individual a responsibility to serve the community in which he
lives in any manner he is qualified and requested. It places a responsibility directly upon that individual that he should meet with modesty and service.
Successful people in any station of life live with dignity and courage. Friends are necessary to a successful life. It takes real effort to acquire friends, but it is worthy of the effort. If I expect others to trust me, I must trust others. Trust is acquired by years of honest living, and I believe respect for other in both business and social life is a necessity to successful living.
Most of us have moments of weakness in which we say and do things we regret. To me, one of the important things in life is to live in a way that there will be as little room for regret as possible
in my relationship with others. Observance of the Golden Rule is a good investment that will bring favors that money cannot purchase. I believe greed and selfishness are the greatest causes of unhappiness that exist in the world. And so I do not feel we can afford to ignore the teachings of the Church.
I admire those who show tolerance and patience with others. I do not believe in repeating things I hear that may hurt others and dislike to hear unkind thoughts spoken about another. I respect those people who assist the more unfortunate and do it modestly. I believe our ideals should also be practical. I admire those who can disagree but do so pleasantly and I like to see successful achievement accepted
modestly. This, my creed for living, is an accumulation of experiences gained from many years of living.
That was Karl D. Nottingham who lives on a farm near Muncie. His beliefs, one feels, have roots which go deep into the rich soil of his native Indiana.